Apexi Power FC's for R33 & R34 Skylines
With regards to other brands of after market ECU's, I recently sold a Trust Greddy E-Manage Ultimate to a customer who bought an Skyline R34 auto turbo sedan from me. At the time you could still buy the Power FC but as they were not compatible with auto transmissions he decided to go for the E-Ultimate. He is going to fit it and dyno the R34 shortly and I have asked him to let me know how it goes as I have just bought an R34 turbo sedan for my wife and I want to fit one to that as well. I will post a review once we have more info. I can supply these for approx $1000 depending on your vehicle type as some require adaptors.
Another alternative to the Power FC or E-Ultimate is the Apexi AFC Neo and replaces the old SAFC & VAFC . It is an airflow converter so its main purpose is to adjust the air/fuel ratio if you want to run more boost. Nowhere near the functions of the Power FC or E-Ultimate but at half the price they are very good value and they look fantastic!....I can supply these for only $550... read more below...
NEW AFC Neo Released!

We are very excited to announce the official release of the new Super AFC NEO. Some of the new features include:-
Completely new case design-
Compact design-
Incorporates both AFC and VAFC functions in one unit-
16 point fuel correction-
Color FED display-
User defined button and background colors-
Inverted "anti-glare" screenKey functions include:
* RPM* Throttle* Battery voltage* Correction %* Air flow %* Pressure* Karmann*
* Air map* Air map graph* Throttle point* Deceleration air* VTEC control* VTEC unmatch ETC MODE-* Model select* Mode select* Car select* Sensor select* Analog scale* Warning set* Display set* Sensor check